The time-hopping animated action begins as Dexter journeys into the far future to retrieve his all-powerful Neuroatomic Proto-Core. Archenemy Mandark stole the prized Core and uses it to dumb down the entire planet--leaving the vile Mandark in charge! Fortunately, Dexter enlists the help of three future Dexters to quash Mandark's nefarious plan: Dexter the work-wimp, Dexter the geezer and Dexter the muscle-bound hero! Join our young scientist as he shatters the bounds of time and space. The time-hopping animated action begins as Dexter journeys into the far future to retrieve his all-powerful Neuroatomic Proto-Core. Archenemy Mandark stole the prized Core and uses it to dumb down the entire planet--leaving the vile Mandark in charge! Fortunately, Dexter enlists the help of three future Dexters to quash Mandark's nefarious plan: Dexter the work-wimp, Dexter the geezer and Dexter the muscle-bound hero! Join our young scientist as he shatters the bounds of time and space. 更多
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